
Robotruckers: The Double Threat of AI for Low-Wage Workers

May 5, 10:30 am, Donald Bren Hall Much attention has been paid to the risk AI poses to employment, particularly in low-wage industries. Long-haul truck driving is perceived as a prime target for such displacement, due to the fast-developing technical capabilities of autonomous vehicles (many of which lend themselves to the specific needs of truck driving), characteristics of trucking labor, and the political economy of the industry. In most of the public rhetoric about the

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Design as Democratic Inquiry: A Conversation with Carl DiSalvo

May 19, 2022, 1pm PDTWebinar URL: In his recent book, Design as Democratic Inquiry: Putting Experimental Civics into Practice, Carl DiSalvo presents an argument for “doing design otherwise”. Arguing that democracy requires constant renewal and care, he shows how designers can supply novel contributions to local democracy by drawing together theory and practice, making and reflection. The relentless pursuit of innovation, uncritical embrace of the new and novel, and treatment of all things as

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Towards an Atlas of AI: A Conversation with Kate Crawford

April 19, 2021, 4pm PDTWebinar URL: Where do the motivating ideas behind Artificial Intelligence come from and what do they imply? What claims to universality or particularity are made by AI systems? How do the movements of ideas, data, and materials shape the present and likely futures of AI development? Join us for a conversation with social scientist and AI scholar Kate Crawford about the intellectual history and geopolitical contexts of contemporary AI research and

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